Monday, 6 June 2016

Philippine President Encourages Citizens To Murder Drug Dealers In The Streets

The violence that surrounds the drug trade in the Philippines is at an all time high, and the recently elected President has had enough according to the AP…

The Philippine president-elect has encouraged the public to help him in his war against crime, urging citizens with guns to shoot and kill drug dealers who resist arrest and fight back in their neighborhoods.

In a nationally televised speech late Saturday, Rodrigo Duterte told a huge crowd in the southern city of Davao that Filipinos who help him battle crime will be rewarded.

“Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun — you have my support,” Duterte said, warning of an extensive illegal drug trade that involves even the country’s police.

If a drug dealer resists arrest or refuses to be brought to a police station and threatens a citizen with a gun or a knife, “you can kill him,” Duterte said. “Shoot him and I’ll give you a medal.”

Just in case you thought this was some type of hyperbole, joke, or empty tough talk, Duterte added:

“If you’re still into drugs, I will kill you, don’t take this as a joke. I’m not trying to make you laugh, son of a b!t¢h, I will really kill you,” Duterte said to loud jeers and applause.

He is DEAD azz serious. Can you imagine if Donald Trump started talkin’ like this here in America?


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