Thursday 28 November 2013

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her Boyfriend & I - Reloaded) – Part 10

4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend captures the lives of four friends, who met while on service in Lagos. Who are in search of unlimited pleasure, fun and adventure, while looking for true love?

With lines like… ‘Yes babe, that’s it, yea, isshhgfj.’ He was touching me and I was enjoying every bit of it. It seemed like we were making love for the first time, he paid detailed attention to all the parts of my body, you know, all the small parts, like kissing my inner arm, the base of my palm and the rest. He gave me newfound sensations. He moved down to my stomach, going downwards kissing my pu5sy gently and sweetly.

Drop your comments and Follow: @effiongeton and @sexitee03 for Updates on Love, Lust and Money. Now, enjoy!!

'It's been long I saw my man, and now that he's here, I wanted to feed him his best food.' Niyi and I stared at each other, communicating with our heart. 

'Ok then, I'm hungry, lets eat.' Tola said and went to the kitchen, I waited behind. 

'How do you feel now, can you eat something?' I asked Niyi.

'As a matter of fact, I'm very hungry, and even if I wasn't hungry, I can't pass over what you have prepared.' I smiled at him and headed for the kitchen, he drew my hand as I passed him. He drew me down with my hand and dropped a kiss on my lips, a simple kiss but one filled with promises and love. 

'Thank you,' he said and tears rolled down my cheeks. I went into the kitchen before he saw it. Tola was at my heels, she grabbed me into her arms the moment we entered the kitchen. I hugged her back because I needed the physical comfort and assurance that I wasn't dreaming. 

'Oh baby, I'm so happy for you! I was eavesdropping the whole time, in case I needed to save you from a slap but I thank God for his change of heart instead!' She said and we both laughed. 

'Abeg, enough of this gossip jor, let me feed him before he changes his mind.' I said as I served the food in plates. 

Tola took mine and hers out, I carried Niyi's plate to him myself. We ate amidst small talks but great silent communications went between Niyi and I. Oh how I had missed him. His smile, the way he licks his lips when eating, his large appetite, his appraise for my food and pure admiration for me! Soon he finished the portion on his plates and asked for more, Tola also asked for more. I served them again. My own plate was still full. I was too happy to eat. We finished our food and Tola helped me clear the table. 

'Tola?' I called as we cleaned the plates.

'Hhnn,' she answered.

'When are you going out?' I asked her. She dropped what she was doing and looked at me in disbelief.

'Where I tell you say I dey go? Wait oo, I hope say you no dey try pursue me, cos e no go work oo. I no fit miss this show of a life time. Dynamite self no fit comot me for this house.' She threatened. I crossed my arms under my br3ast and stared at her. Force would not make her bulge, I have to thread softly. I put on a super smile and moved to her. I draped my arms around her neck.

'Tola, I know you are concerned for my safety but I do not think he will hurt me. Also, you know he thinks you don't know about what's going on?' She nodded and I continued with my cajoling.

'So he will be reluctant to talk in your presence, and I really need him to talk.' She rolled her eyes upwards, digesting and thinking about what I have said. I didn't give her time to think too far.

'How about I make you a promise? I will tell you everything that transpired between us when you get back tomorrow.' She turned sharply to face me. 

'Tomorrow ke?' She asked squeezing her face. I knew that was coming. I was prepared. 

'My love, you know we have to give him space and time to talk. What if you come back when he wants to talk and he stops talking? It could be dangerous oo. But if we finished sorting things out before dark, I will call you back.'  I delivered my lines and hoped she swallowed it with the hook.

'Ok ok ok! I know you are stringing me along but I will go for you oo, but, you must tell me everything tomorrow or else!' She said pulling her ears.

'Yes ma.' I said dutifully. When the kitchen was tidy we went into the sitting room. We met Niyi watching football on SUPERSPORT3. Tola excused herself and went into her room. Ten minutes later she came out and we said our goodbyes. The air between Niyi and I was filled with tension of who would speak first. I was missing Tola's presence after all. When I couldn't take it anymore I spoke but surprisingly he spoke at that exact time too.

'Niyi...' I said.

'Joke...' He said at the same time. We both smiled and I quickly said, 

'You first.' He pated the sofa beside him, indicating for me to come sit next to him. I went happily. We faced each other on the sofa.

'If I say you didn't hurt me, then I would be lying. When I left that night, I almost died from alcohol. ' He said and my heart sank, I wanted to hug him but I maintained my composure and allowed him to continue. 

'The week that followed was sad and painful. I shut everybody out and I was mean, very mean to girls. I started sleeping around. But by the third week, I met this church going girl who preached to me to stop being nasty and mean to girls. I started dating her. She was against sex before marriage.' He burst into laughter as he said it. I didn't know why he laughed but I smiled along.

'You see, I was very happy I found a saint, I thought it was a consolation for what you had done to me. To cut the long story short, an area younger brother told me the girl was a slu,t. She sleeps around. She has slept with most men on our street and the most choking part was that she had slept with most of my friends.' It was as if I was watching a movie. So all this had happened in the short span of there months. I didn't say anything still so he continued.

'So I invited five of my friends out yesterday. After we have downed two bottles of McDowell's and we were on our third bottle and everyone was tipsy, I passed her picture around and asked my friends what they think about her because I wanted to date her. The guys disagreed and started giving me stories. Four of them have slept with her, and they all know someone she had slept with. I felt like a fool.' He narrated and I couldn't hold it anymore. I held his hands. 

'Shina threatened to tell you since he didn't know we broke up. I didn't tell anyone we broke up. They sha discouraged me from dating her. I told them I won't.  We all left after the third bottle. I was very sad. I had time to think about you and I. I know I truly loved you and I missed you terribly. When I woke up this morning and saw your text, my heart leaped. I was so happy but I was still skeptical. So I called this girl to come over. I asked her for sex again and she opened the Bible. I was so disgusted with her. I confronted her with the facts yet she denied it and blamed everything on the devil who wanted to break us up. I told her to leave my house and never come back if she valued her life.' He said solemnly, I could see his muscle tensed and I could feel the pains he had gone through. A single tear ran down my left cheek. He cleaned it with his left thumb before continuing. 

'Don't cry baby. Anyway, I went to the bar and started drinking. That was when my thinking was clear. You did something while I was in Ghana which I had no means of knowing yet, you told me. It takes guts and braveness to do that. I took my car keys and drove out of the bar, that was the last thing I rememberer.' He said looking into my eyes. We searched each others face and we both saw what we wanted to see. 

'I'm sorry baby, I'm so so sorry.' I apologized and meant it.

'I'm sorry too, for being selfish and...' I stopped him with a finger against his lips.

'Don't baby, don't say that. I'm the selfish and self centered one, I sho...' He cut me off mid-sentence. 

'Ssshhhhh, it's ok love, no more apologizing.' He stopped me and drew me into his arms in a fierce hug. Soon our lips found each other. We drank in each others lips. We poured our hearts into it, saying all we couldn't say with the kiss. After some minutes we stopped kissing and remained contented in each others embrace. We broke it off eventually and started catching up on what we had missed in each other's life. Around 3pm I fed him with egusi soup and poundo yam. At 4:30pm, he said he wanted to go home but promised to be back in an hour. I was reluctant and scared to let him leave, but he assured me he would be back. With a hug and kiss he left. The pain I felt when he left was physical. I felt like I was loosing him again. 

I kept watch of the door. I walked out to the street countless times. I jumped to the window at every horn that honked. The time was crawling because every time I checked was a minute past the last time I check.ed I wished for Tola's presence but was scared to call her. She may rush home and spoil things. For the sake of my sanity, I cleaned the house. I started from my room and worked my way to the rest of the house. My thoughts were so negative. "What if he didn't come back? What if he changed his mind? What if he came to take revenge? What if it was a setup?" I shook off this thoughts while I took my shower. I heard the knock as I was about to put on a short gown over my sexy matching Victoria Secrets pant and bra. I wore it hastily and rush to the door. There stood my Prince Charming. A wide grin of relieve grew across my face. 

'Hey baby, I told you I will be back.' He said as he entered.

'I know.' I lied. If only he knew what I have been through since he left some hours ago. His backpack that housed his laptop and toiletries was with him. I knew he was sleeping over immediately. I was delighted. I took his backpack and carried it to my room, he followed me. I dropped the bag back on the bedside table. I turned around to face him. He sat down on my bed and pulled me down to sit too. He said,

‘I’m going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer me truthfully.’ 

‘Ok,’ I whispered. I was scared.

‘Do you love this guy or does he mean anything to you?’ He asked.

‘No I don’t love him, it was just an experimental sex,’ I replied sincerely.

'Have you seen him after that day,p?' He wanted to know. 

'No.' I answered sincerely.

'Have you had sex with anyone since we broke up?' He asked. Thank God Godwin stopped us yesterday oo. 

'No.' I answered but sincerely I wouldn't have told the truth if such had happened!  

‘Do you still love me?’ He asked.

‘Yes baby, I love you dearly. You are my life.’ I told him dramatically.

‘Will you show me how to please you in bed?’ A big grin spread across my face, of course I would teach him!

‘Yes if you want.’ I told him.

'Hell yes! I want, no, sorry, I need to know!' He said stressing 'need'. He held my hands and said,

‘And lastly, look me in the eyes I tell me you will never ever again cheat on me, ever again.’ I raised my face, my eyes met his and said truthfully from the bottom of my heart. 

'As long as we’re together, I will never cheat on you again, that I promise.' He stood up pulling me along with him. He took me in his arms, 

‘I was very hurt baby but I forgave you totally yesterday. I can only imagine how frustrating not climaxing was for you. I’m sorry I didn't pay attention to my woman’s needs. I love you Joke.’ He said into my ears. Tears ran down the sides of my face, my heart filled with joy and gratitude. 

‘I’m so sorry baby, I love you too.’ He kissed my neck and whispered into my ear 

‘Show me how to please you honey, command me and I’ll obey’. That was all the green light I needed. I released myself from his arms and faced him. 

‘Take off my dress.’ He did, his eyes admiring every bit of my body.

‘Now my pants,' he did. 

‘My bra now,’ he did. I like this game! I commas, he obeys.

‘Now kiss me all over my face, my earlobe especially baby.’ I said softly licking my lips. Niyi did as he was told and if I must confess he was getting me there. He is a good student.

‘Hmmmnn, ishhhmayee baby, yes right there, please hold on to my br3ast, play with my nippl3s.’ Niyi left my ears and started sucking my br3ast, licking and biting softly on my nippl3s while caressing them in his hands. 

‘Yes babe, that’s it, yea, isshhgfj.’ He was touching me and I was enjoying every bit of it. It seemed like we were making love for the first time, he paid detailed attention to all the parts of my body, you know, all the small parts, like kissing my inner arm, the base of my palm and the rest. He gave me new found sensations. He moved down to my stomach, going downwards kissing my pu5sy gently and sweetly.
'Tell me where to go baby, tell me how to make you come?’ He asked. 

‘Ok honey, just my clitz, give due attention to it, the top right corner of my clit, that's my G-spot and whatever you do, don’t let your hand stray too far from my br3ast’ I lectured pointing at the parts I mentioned.

‘Yes boss, may I begin your ladyship?’ 

‘Yes my lord,’ I said lying down and praying to God the man I love would take me there, little did I know an angel was passing. Niyi took a pillow, used it to raise my bottom up, he drew me to the edge of the bed as he knelt, wove his left hand around my left leg and took his right hand to my br3ast. He lowered his head  

‘Iisherhshsh’, I inhaled air through my teeth. I took my bottom lip into my mouth and began to chew. I closed my eye as Niyi’s mouth closed on my clitz. 

'Yes babe, right there, arshh, yeaaassjehf, wehhfmfk!’ I moaned as Niyi chewed me lightly. 

‘Hhhmmm, yes babe, aaooooshsh.’ I raised my legs up and placed it on his back pushing his face deep into my very hot honeypot. Niyi raised his head up and asked, 

‘How am I doing your majesty?’ I raised myself up resting on my elbows, I looked at him with fire in my eyes and screamed.

‘Fine! Now shut the fvck up and go back to doing justice to that pu5sy. Don’t you dare raise your head up until I say so!' He didn’t bother replying and did as he was instructed.
Niyi attacked my clitz and br3ast with renewed vigor and passion, making me scream and cried tears of limitless joy. I kept moaning and screaming my brains off as Niyi closed in on my G-spot. 

‘Sh1t, yea that’s it, awwooo, I’m coming, babe please don’t stop,don't, yeaaa, arshsh, I’m coming, I’m coming!’ I screamed raising my hips to meet his mouth and squeezing my br3ast like there was no tomorrow. I blabbed on till I came in his mouth. I laid there as Niyi licked me dry, jerking gently as he soothed my thigh and stomach with his hands. He kissed me from my thighs upwards till he reached my lips, we kissed for a while before he said, 

‘Wow baby, I can’t believe I’ve been so selfish, it was so pretty, so powerful when you came and you taste so good.' He beamed. 

‘Thank you baby, this has made up for the past seven months! Wheeeew!' I beamed too. I looked at him and said,

'It’s my turn to make you come, are you ready?’ 

 ‘Take me there baby.’ He said. I climbed over him, kissing and licking his face; his forehead, his eyes, his cheeks, his nose, his ears then his mouth. 

'I like that baby’ Niyi murmured. I moved on to his chest while tease kissing all over his chest till I clamped my lips on his right nippl3.

‘Asrrh,’ he moaned and it pleased me to know I was doing that to him. I drew his taunt nippl3 into my mouth, suckled hard on them. I bit him gently and licked it; I moved on to the other nippl3 and gave it its due share. Then I started licking downwards, stopping at his abdomen to give it a good lick, my hands roaming over his chest.

‘Baby, aaooo,’ he moaned.   
He pushed my head downwards towards his d1ck gently, I raised my head and said, 

‘Patience darling, patience.’ I moved downward still, kissing his left thigh to his ankle and from his right ankle to his thigh, tease kissing him around his groin area without touching his p3nis or ball5. 

‘Come on baby, please stop teasing,’ he begged as I swallowed his d1ck in one motion, shedding my teeth with the inside of my mouth. I went up and down on him, he held my head, pushing his hips up to meet my mouth. After a while I went for his ball5, took it into my mouth and gave it some tongue massage as my hands honored his d1ck. Niyi was groaning, panting and moaning. I took his d1ck into my mouth again this time concentrating on his cap. Niyi shot up from the bed into a sitting position forcing my head off him, confused, I asked,

‘Why baby?’ he said, 

‘As much as I’ll like to come in your mouth, I missed that sweet, tight, juicy pu5sy of yours too much baby.’ I smiled. I tried to climb him, but he maneuvered me into a doggy position but I went all cat on him. I took a pillow, knelt on it, which raised my butt and leveled my chest on the bed. I held my neck with both hands.
Niyi eased into me gently. There was no hindrance on the way, I was well lubricated.

‘Hmmmm’ we both moaned. He went from gentle to hard and fast, I removed my right hand from my head and set it to work under me. I felt that tingling sweet sensation spread through me. 

‘Yes baby I like this, touch yourself for me honey.’ We fvcked for five or more minutes before I felt it coming. 

'I’m coming baby, please come with me!' I screamed and increased the pressure on my clitz as Niyi bumped into me faster. 

‘Come for me now!’ He commanded and I obeyed him as we came together. 

‘Arsgntjikfrkju,  ooaooeiwwek!’ I really couldn't say who said what at that point. I was lounging in his arms when He said. 

‘Baby, that was wonderful. I felt like it was the first time we made love. This is so right and I know where I want you for the rest of my life.’ He kissed my forehead, stood up and went for his bag pack. 

He brought a small red box out of his bag and set it on my laps. I knew what was inside before I opened it, I have seen the box before, still I opened it and looked at Niyi with tears in my eyes. In it sat a silver ring with a classic cut. At the top sat a design of love, it has a "N" crossed with a "J" in the love circle. It was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. I took it out of the box, and examined it. "U & I 4eva" was written in it

‘Honey, when I passed in front of a jeweler shop in Ghana and saw his displays of rings,  I just knew you had to be my wife. I had him make this for you. Do you like it?' He asked. I nodded my head continuously unable to talk. He drew me up from the bed, I stood beside him nak3d. He kissed me gently on my lips, then my forehead and two cheeks. He collected the ring from me and bent on one knee in front of me. He kissed my abdomen and pu5sy, then asked me the question I've wanted to hear all the while. 

'Adejoke, will you make an honest man of me? I want to be your protector, provider, your lover and brother. The father of your children. Let me be you friend, comforter and confidant. I want to be the only man that eats and fvck you. Will you marry me?’ I blinked severally, my heart racing but filled with love, 

‘Yes baby, I’ll marry you! I will be your faithful wife, I will be your guardian and helper. Your lover and sister. The mother of your children. Your friend and companion, your call girl and wife.’ I extended my fingers to him and he slipped the ring on my finger and and I joined him on the floor. I ran my lips all over his face. We both laughed into each others mouth. Before you could say Jack Robinson, we were making hot love on the floor. 

I was so happy, I’ve got the man I love, his heart, his money, his ring and climax! Special thanks to Tola my best friend, kunle her boyfriend and most especially Godwin, my angel for giving me the courage to go after my love.

[To be continued] 

Send your comments and Suggestion.

Written By Olatorera - @sexitee03

Edit by Effiong Eton - @effiongeton

Love, Lust and Money: The Heat is sure ON… It’s getting hotter and hotter…. Can only get better and more exciting…. Fill in the gaps with a little imagination of your own. 

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her Boyfriend & I - Reloaded) – Part 9

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her Boyfriend & I - Reloaded) – Part 8

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her Boyfriend & I - Reloaded) – Part 7

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her Boyfriend & I - Reloaded) - Part 6

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her Boyfriend & I - Reloaded) - Part 5

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her boyfriend & I - Reloaded) - Part 4

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 3 (Reloaded)

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 2 (Reloaded)

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 1 (Reloaded)

Love, Lust & Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys,1 Weekend – Part 13

Love, Lust & Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys,1 Weekend – Part 12

Love,Lust & Money:4 Girls,4 Guys,1 Weekend – Part 10 

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend - Part 9

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 8

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 7

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 6.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 5.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend. – Part 4.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 3. 

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 2.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend - Part 1

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her Boyfriend and I.) – Part 4.

Love, Lust and money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 3.

Love, Lust and money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 2.

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 1.

Follow @effiongeton and @sexitee03 for tips and updates on the series.


  1. Wat a superb end to the story....wish I could be invited to their wedding! Nice one sweets...can't wait for ur next story!
