Thursday 16 May 2013

[Video] Wade Robson On Today Show “Michael Jackson Forced Me To Have Sex With Him For 7-Years

In 2005, Wade Robson was the first defense witness at Michael Jackson’s trial, where the singer was accused of molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor. At the time, Robson was unequivocal: the man known as the King of Pop did not sexually abuse him. But eight years later, he has changed his tune.

Exclusively on TODAY Thursday, May 16th, the 30-year-old choreographer told Matt Lauer that Jackson, who died in 2009, was “a pedophile and a child sexual abuser.” Robson said Jackson abused him from ages 7 to 14: Jackson “performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him.”
Robson is currently asking a probate court to allow him to file a late creditor’s claim against the Jackson estate, now that the deadline has passed for creditors to file such claims. His claim comes as a case brought by Jackson’s family against AEG Live, promoters of his final concert tour, has begun in civil court.
Look Wade, this died along with Michael Jackson. If he is guilty of the acts or not… you are telling us you lied for him while being a grown man against a young man in turmoil. How can someone feel sorry for you after affecting his life with the lies on the stand?
Watch the Today Show interview after the cut...

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