Wednesday 15 May 2013

Nicki Minaj Encourages Her Fans to Avoid Online "Poison"

If the rumors are to believed, Nicki Minaj soon won't have American Idol as a platform with which she can reach young fans. She'll be off the show almost as soon as Season 12 concludes. But the eccentric singer does cover the latest issue of Teen Vogue, hoping her past experiences can shape the future of many followers out there.
"Every time my parents fought, my mother would have us move and I would have to go to a new school, which meant I'd have to face the task of making new friends," Nicki said, adding:
"I encountered jealous girls a lot. What it came down to is that the bullies wanted me to bow down to them and I just wouldn't."
Minaj said she got into a few fights, yet everyone knew she was not going to be "pushed around."

But the artist has taken a different approach with virtual criticism, saying of negative messages across various social media networks:
"I used to read the bad things people said about me. Then I asked myself, 'Why am I reading that when I have millions of people saying great things?' You cannot give negativity power."
Hear that, younger generation?
"I tell teens... If people keep taunting you and you keep reading it, it's poison," Minaj said.
Makes perfect sense to us.

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