Monday 20 June 2016

Horny Pedestrian Caught Having Sex with a Hole in the Floor Outside Office Block

HAVING sex is vital to the continuation of the human race, we all know this.

Every day more than 350,000 babies are born on the planet, thanks to the brief loving embrace of two people nine months earlier.
It’s a necessary function and one that we’re all pretty happy with as a species.
But the vanilla normality of having sex with another human clearly wasn’t enough for this randy thrill-seeker.
Bizarre footage recorded from inside an office block shows a man lying face down on the floor behind a parked car.

With his trousers round his ankles, the man enthusiastically thrusts himself into the pavement over the course of the 30 second video while an amazed onlooker records the exchange.
“So this is what we came to work to this morning,” he explains from behind the camera in an Australian accent.
“There’s a little ground sex session going on just outside the window, and there’s his friend there just checking him out.”
The camera gestures toward a figure crouched down behind the white van, possibly acting as a lookout for his frisky friend.

“He’s just having a good go at the ground,” the man filming says.
“Look at that! Awesome.”
Nearly 30,000 people have seen the video since it was posted on Facebook on Friday (June 17.)
One viewer joked: “This is what happens when you take matters into your own hands and fill the potholes in yourself.”
Earlier this month, a couple were captured by a passing motorist’s dash cam having sex outside a club in Lethbridge, Canada.

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