Wednesday 1 April 2015

Nude Protest: Wannabe Strips After YouTube Bans Morbid Video

WHEN we imagine a protest, we think of marching, placards and 'one two three four' chants – not full-frontal nudity and a pin-up makeover.

But here we are, witnessing Nadeea Volianova's version of a defiant protest against the man.
The wannabe popstar was outraged when one of her videos, called F*** Me Daddy, was removed from YouTube due to its naked content.
However, despite the explicit song title and its admittedly graphic content, Nadeea never actually appears nude in the clip, so she took to her bedroom to protest the ban.
Holding up a sign reading: "Hey YouTube this isn't nudity", the blonde held up stills from the offending video while writhing in red and black lingerie.

Miss Volianova then stuck up a proverbial middle finger to the censors by stripping totally naked – shielding her modesty with signs reading: "This is nudity. See the difference?"
Thanks for clearing up the difference between clothing and nakedness, Nadeea.

Before her X-rated protest, the American/French/Russian blonde tweeted: "Yes,it's true. My music video that talks about sex trafficking was taken down by #youtube."

As the video has been taken down, we'll fill you in on what happens – Nadeea dances scantily-clad while repeating the expletive-laden song title, before posing in a thong, getting chained up and being attacked by a man in a harrowing scene.
Kind of starting to see why YouTube took offence.

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