Thursday 16 May 2013

Time Cover Rips, Praises The "ME ME ME" Generation [1980-2000]

Time's most recent cover story has really struck a nerve with "Millennials," or people born between 1980-2000, a group it labels "entitled narcissists."
The cover photo, fittingly, is a teenage girl snapping a selfie. The accompanying story, written by Joel Stein, sums up Millennials as such: They’re narcissistic. They’re lazy. They’re coddled. They’re a bit delusional.
The National Institute of Health backs this up. Among people in their 20s, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is three times as high as in other adults. However, despite being self-obsessed social-media addicts, these young adults are really the US' saviors - or at least have the potential to be.
Changing fast in a world undergoing rapid technological shifts, they’re surprisingly optimistic, confident, pragmatic and most of all, adaptable. Despite its somewhat positive (or at least mixed) conclusion, the story is receiving backlash for its overt, sweeping generalizations of 80 million people

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