Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Madonna & Ex-Husband Guy Ritchie: Showdown in Child Custody War

Madonna and Guy Ritchie will square off in court Wednesday over custody of their 15-year-old son Rocco, and we've learned Madonna has changed her strategy. 
As we reported, the singer and Guy have not gotten along since their 2008 divorce. In fact, we're told they aggressively dislike each other.
Madonna's initial strategy to get her son back was to trash Guy's parenting skills. She believes he's way too permissive and Rocco suffers as a result. Our Madonna sources say she is an extremely strict and controlling parent ... which often benefits the boy, but at the same time pisses him off.

Now we're told Madonna has changed her tune. Rather than trying to force Rocco back to the U.S. through a judge's order, she's trying to win him back by proclaiming her undying love ... frequently through social media.
That said, as one well-connected Madonna source told us, "She always has to be right. It's her nature. She and Guy have disagreed on every [child rearing] decision they talk about, and it's made her feel like he's a bad parent."
Rocco -- who's been living with his dad since late December -- will have a voice in where he ends up living.

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