Saturday 7 February 2015

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Innocent Teen Left For Dead After Been Assaulted

THIS is the brutalised face of a Good Samaritan teen who was left for dead after trying to help a vicious thug.

Angus Gallagher, 18, rushed to help Brian Ramsay after he spotted him lying on his back at a petrol station in Midlothian, Scotland.
Angus bought the stranger some food and helped him to his feet – only for Ramsay to launch a savage and unprovoked attack.
He then dragged the teen into a nearby house, beating him repeatedly before leaving him unconscious on the street.

Angus suffered 13 cranial fractures as well as three broken fingers and fractured ribs.Despite the shocking assault, Ramsay, 25, was jailed for just 18 months – a sentence branded "disgusting" by Angus' family.

His mother Amanda said: "My husband and I are totally shocked - it's not justice.
"I don't know the definition of a long time but 18 months doesn't seem to be very long.
"He was only helping someone and this was his reward."
Angus, a mechanic, said: "He just turned on me. My mind went a bit blank and all I thought was 'I should protect myself as much as I can'.
"He must have realised what he had done because he dragged me to his house to get me cleaned up.
"Then he hit me again in the garden and I have no recollection after that.

"I was really confused when I woke up. I couldn't open my eyes as they were swollen shut."
He added: "It has changed everything. You get all paranoid.
"I try to avoid going out on my own at night now. It would definitely make me think twice about helping somebody now."
The kind teen was walking home from a night out when he spotted Ramsay lying on the ground on October 26.
His parents Henry, 56, and Amanda, 53, barely recognised their son when they were rushed to hospital in the middle of the night.

Amanda added: "When we were taken to the resuscitation unit where Angus was, my husband couldn't walk through the door.
"He just gripped my arm and said 'My God, what have they done to my boy'. I couldn't recognise him.
"His head was about five times the size it should have been. He was covered in blood.
"The police photographer who came along said she had never seen such damage before in her life."
Angus was kept in hospital for six days and was unable to return to his job restoring classic cars for almost three months.
Ramsay was jailed Edinburgh Sherriff Court on Thursday after admitting assault.

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