Monday 9 February 2015

It’s Just Madonna Bum Out At The Grammys

56-years-old she may be, but there’s no way Madonna’s going gently into that good night.
They’ll have to drag her out of there, kicking and screaming, probably still in her matador’s outfit.
Madge does have a bizarre fondness for a Spanish matador – remember Take A Bow? – and she was back in the bull ring again at last night’s Grammys, with not one, but two, toreador outfits designed by Givenchy.

And – Lourdes, Rocco, Mercy and David look away now – her sparkling red carpet leotard had a cheeky surprise.

Her bum was naked to the night air, save for a light smattering of fishnet and feathers. It was sort of like ‘Allo ‘Allo crossed with Mad Max.

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