Monday 17 November 2014

She Had No Idea My Boyfriend was Born a Woman

HARLOTTE Urie was convinced she had found the perfect man, only to discover his deepest secret —he was born female. And its not difficult to see why the 20-year-old had no clue.

Her beau, 23-year-old Kieran Maloney, has had an incredible transformation from female to male.

With his chiselled jawline and ripped body, it’s hard to imagine him as a girl.
“I would never have guessed Kieran’s secret, but as soon as he told me he’d been born a girl it didn’t matter to me. I was surprised, but I love him for who he is and see him as a man,” Charlotte told The Mirror.

Despite the shocking revelation, the UK pair has remained strong and are planning on starting a family.

“He’s very masculine and has a great body, but he’s also my best friend. I never had any concerns about dating someone transgender. Biology doesn’t matter,” Charlotte added.
Maloney, originally from New Zealand told The Mirror “When I first met Charlotte I was blown away by her beauty, but I was terrified of how she’d react if she found out I used to be a girl. I needed to know I could trust her, before I revealed my secret.

“Other girlfriends have been ashamed of who I am, but when I told Charlotte, she was so accepting. She’s amazing.”

On finding out the news Charlotte said “Kieran sat me down and said he had something to tell me. He blurted out he’d been born a girl called Ciara. I was so surprised. He was so manly. I never had any suspicions.

“Kieran was really nervous and told me he’d understand if I just wanted to be friends. We talked it through for hours. I knew I still loved him and wanted to be with him. It didn’t matter he’d been born a girl.”

Kieran has been living as a man for seven years and after having a double mastectomy at 20.

In November 2009, aged 18, Kieran started monthly testosterone injections.
Its believed that Maloney’s best friend will serve as sperm donor for the couple. Kieran is yet to have full gender reassignment surgery.

“I hated seeing my breasts develop and I was jealous of the boys at school when their voices dropped and they started shaving. I hated being a girl.”
Smitten Charlotte said: “Kieran’s my soulmate and we’d be the best parents. We’ll explain his background to our kids when they’re old enough they’ll have two loving parents, that’s the most important thing.”

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