Sunday 16 November 2014

Married Couple SHARE The Same Lover - Because Three Ain't A Crowd!

Erik Fridland, 35, fell in love with Hampus Engstrom after both of them started working as taxi drivers in Stroemsund, Sweden.
But when he confessed his affair to wife Linda, 34, she decided that she wanted to meet Hampus if she was going to accept him.
However, curiosity soon turned to lust and 29-year-old Hampus confessed that he was attracted to Linda as well as Erik – and she felt the same.
Before long, all three started having lusty threesomes and now they are living as a family.
Hampus said: "I felt comfortable with both of them right from the start when we had dinner together.
"I like them both and we had a lot in common.
"It was uncomfortable at first before all the feelings were out on the table, but after that it was fantastic.
"I didn't think it was possible to love more than one person at a time before this."

Now they all live in the same house with Hampus' five-year-old daughter and Erik and Linda's twin boys and teenage son.
Hampus added: "We work together and we live together.
"I sleep in the same bed as Linda and Erik. We all have sex together".
He added: "We have children, a house, a car and jobs.
"It is not all about sex, we do all the mundane things too."
He said that he knows of "several other polyfamilies" living together in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe thanks to a strong Facebook community and thinks that the phenomenon is becoming more common.
He added: "I hope we will eventually be able to get married and that hotel staff won't find it so strange if three of us want to book a room and share a bed together."
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