Saturday 9 March 2013

Halima Abubakar: Men don’t have eyes for other women when they are with me

Why will a man have roving eyes? If you want to date other people, then we have to break up. I don’t have that kind of strength. I can’t be thinking of one man when he is on top of another lady. It is just that men lie a lot. You hardly know a man who is saying the truth when he is saying he loves you. But all men and women are not the same any way.

I have never fought over any man. Men are just too many. I cannot fight over any man. Why will a girl fight me over a man? The kind of men I have dated  (they are not many though) don’t have eyes for other women when they are with me. If you are in a relationship with me, you are really in a relationship with me. There will be nothing like another girl by the side. I have never been in such situation.

No. I have never had a heart break in my life. I do quarrel with them but nothing like heart break. If I were a bad person, they still won’t be calling me. I don’t want to get distracted. I know my pains and happiness.
I have never had to break up with anyone.

I don’t have to get into details but I am telling you the truth. Most of the people I have dated still want to be my friend. We are not enemies. When they see a hard working babe, they still want to support her not feeling that she is their ex. If any of them tries to get back, I tell them I am in a relationship. I don’t cheat when I am in a relationship. There is no reason for me to tell you I love you and I go behind you to do some other things. I need peace in my life. I don’t want to be scared of getting caught while cheating.

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