Friday 11 January 2013

Beyonce Bikini Photo: Featuring Blue Ivy Carter, Not Photoshopped!

Beyonce posted an all-natural (and cute) pic of herself in a bikini with Blue Ivy Carter Thursday, perhaps to quell rumors that her GQ cover was photoshopped.
Maybe the photo, posted on Tumblr, had nothing to do with the Beyonce GQ cover, but it certainly suggests she wasn't as touched up as some critics say:

As you can see - if you can divert your eyes from the adorable Blue Ivy, who just turned one - Beyonce's stomach is ripped and her legs are toned.
Obviously, GQ and other magazines always airbrush to a degree, but not to the point where they altered Beyonce photos in any fundamental way.
She looks fabulous, on Tumblr, in GQ and in real life!

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