Wednesday 29 June 2016

Streets Filled with Fish After Tropical Storm Leaves City Underwater

AN enterprising fisherman was able to catch some dinner from the comfort of the pavement after tropical storms left his city centre submerged.

Following an unseasonably heavy rainstorm, traffic across Bangkok, Thailand, was paralysed as roads turned to lakes – complete with a range of aquatic wildlife.
Local news crews caught arrived just in time to film the quick-thinking Thai man while he scurried around with a makeshift fishing net scooping up an impressive haul.
The remarkable footage was made complete by the sight of slow-moving traffic attempting to cut across the newly-created lake as the unidentified fisherman charged around the water with his net.

June marks the start of the monsoon season across the south-east Asian country, with average estimated rainfall often approaching 200mm per day.
Bangkok is situated only 6ft above sea level, so when there are prolonged periods of rain this can lead to chaotic flooding.
More than a million Facebook users have watched the video since it was posted online earlier this week.

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