Monday 16 March 2015

The World’s Strangest Bird Could Be Killed Off By The Ivory Trade

It might look like something out of a computer game, but this bird doesn’t have an infinite number of lives.
In fact, the helmeted hornbill, often labelled as one of the world’s strangest birds, is being hunted to extinction due to the illegal Chinese ivory trade.
With ‘white ivory’ becoming ever more scarce, the ‘red ivory’ found on the beak of the bizarre bird can now sell for three times as much as that taken from rhinos and elephants.
A report released by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) recently said the helmeted hornbill is now close to extinction.
Not only would this be a tragic loss of life, but could also have a devastating wider effect.

The strange bird is often called the ‘the farmer of the rainforest’ due to its role in seed spreading around its natural habitat in the forests of Borneo.
Experts say up to 6,000 of the birds are killed every year, and if they were to die out it could have a devastating impact on wildlife in the area.
However these concerns obviously don’t register to some of China’s wealthy middle class, who can pay up to $4,000 a kilo for items carved out of red ivory.

Yoki Hadiprakarsa, director of the Indonesian Hornbill Conservation Society, said: ‘A few years ago helmeted hornbills were common in the West Kalimantan, but on my last visit I didn’t see any and local villagers said they hadn’t either.
Not only are the birds famed for their odd beaks – they boast a wingspan of 6 feet and are known for their call which sounds like a human manically laughing.

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