Friday 20 March 2015

Mother Gives Birth On The Toilet For The SECOND Time

A MUM-OF-FIVE who had no idea she was expecting was shocked when her 3lb premature baby slipped out on the loo.

The unexpected arrival came just nine months after she gave birth to her previous baby – who was also born on the bog.
Stunned Kirsty Parker went to the loo with stomach pains and minutes later she gave birth to little Ruby.
The 25-year-old said she showed no signs of pregnancy, apart from gaining a small amount of weight and feeling “a little moody".
But before she knew what was happening her 3lb baby daughter had arrived - and landed in the toilet bowl.
The young mum, from Devon, had to fish the newborn out of the water and thankfully mother and baby are both doing well after the dramatic arrival.

She was at her mum's home in Torrington, Devon, when the tiny tot came unexpectedly into the world last week.
"I just thought I was coming down with a stomach bug. I had been having slight pains since around 2.30pm but I wasn't worried about them at all," said Kirsty.
"It seemed to happen so quickly. One minute I was fine, and the next minute I had given birth to a baby down the toilet."

Kirsty said she screamed for her mum, Angie Parker, to come upstairs and they both struggled to get the tiny baby out of the toilet before she was taken to hospital.

She had previously given birth to Ruby's sister Amber down the toilet at her own home just nine months before.
Baby Ruby is in North Devon District Hospital in the special care baby unit as she weighs only 3lbs 4oz and doctors believe she was ten weeks premature.

Kirsty said:"Who needs to go to hospital to give birth? I'm still in shock really.
"I think it's more that I just did not know I was pregnant.
"I'm religious when it comes to taking the pill daily and I didn't have any morning sickness.
"I had been a little moody beforehand but I just put that down to lack of sleep from having Amber."

When Kirsty told her partner Lee Wren on the phone what had happened he did not believe her.
Lee, 34, said: "I thought she was joking, it was just a complete shock."
Baby Ruby is sister to Kirsty's seven-year-old daughter Crystal Stevenson, Lee's two sons Harry, five, and Ronnie, four, and the couple's nine-month-old baby, Amber.
"It's all quite a shock but I think there are some things in life you can control and this is not one of them. Ruby was obviously just meant to be," said Kirsty's mum Angie.

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