Tuesday 30 July 2013

Bus-ted! Drugs 'Seized On Justin Bieber Tour Bus at Canadian border'

He was caught up in controversy earlier this year when he was pictured allegedly smoking marijuanaAnd now Justin Bieber is embroiled in yet another scandal after drugs were found on a bus connected to his current tour at the Canadian border.

Law enforcement officials confirmed they seized both marijuana and drug paraphernalia on board the vehicle when it was stopped at the Ambassador Bridge, which separates Windsor, Canada and Detroit. Chief Customs and Border Protection Officer Ken Hammond told TMZ a sniffer dog detected the presence of the drugs on board. A search was then launched, which uncovered marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

After were seized and the driver was issued a citation. The driver and passengers were subsequently released without further incident.
Justin himself was not on the bus in question however. The Ambassador Bridge checkpoint is becoming a hotspot for drugs busts, with Rihanna's tour bus also being pulled over for the same reason in March. During that incident a total of 10 buses from her ensemble were stopped at the checkpoint.

Sniffer dogs were again deployed and one passenger was found to be in possession of cannabis, and he was cited with a civil penalty. Like Bieber's incident, Rihanna was not on any of the buses. Just one day after photographs surfaced of Justin Bieber reportedly smoking marijuana with friends in a hotel room in January, the singer has taken to Twitter to ask his fans for forgiveness.
He said: 'I see all of u. I hear all of u. i never want to let any of you down. i love u. and..thank u. #beliebers'

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