Wednesday 29 May 2013

Mother of the Chinese Baby Flushed Down the Toilet says She Could not Cope with the Stigma of Being a Single Mum

The mother of the Chinese new-born found trapped in a sewer pipe claimed she fell pregnant following a one night stand  - and then the father of the baby boy abandoned her. The 22-year-old woman - who has not been named – also said she could not afford an abortion or cope with the stigma of being a single mum.

Chinese media said she went to the shared bathroom in a residential complex when she felt abdominal cramps last Saturday and gave birth. But she said the baby slipped into the sewer pipe and she was unable to free him.

She also claimed she was the first to raise the initial alarm and the watched the entire two-hour rescue in secret.

'The girl told the landlord she had heard a ‘kitten-like’ sound in the fourth-floor squat toilet. The landlord later called the police and fire fighters for help,’ one of the investigating police officers in the eastern city of Jinhua told the Daily Mail.

Police are still investigating if her version of the harrowing events were true or if the infant boy was dumped intentionally into the 10cm/four inch sewer pipe. The woman, a restaurant worker, reportedly confessed to being the mother after officers found blood-stained tissues and toys in her room and asked her to undergo a medical check.

Source: Daily Mail UK.

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