Thursday 7 February 2013

World's Fattest Man Sheds 644 Pounds

Sorry, world. Go find another Fattest Man Alive.
Paul Mason, a 52-year old Brit who once weighed in at 98 pounds and required a forklift to be loaded into an ambulance 10 years ago, has shed two-thirds his body weight.
He now sits - and stands! - at 336 pounds.
Mason says he used to eat 20,000 calories per day - but gastric bypass surgery in 2010 led to a shrinking of his stomach, and he's hoping that another procedure will help him shed 100 more pounds in order to lose excess skin hanging all over his body.
Mason also says his dangerous eating habits began after his mother passed away. He considered suicide and he turned to binge eating to cope.
But he has since learned how to make healthy recipes and he had even lost 70 pounds on his own before going under the knife two years ago.
These days, he eats regular meals that include items such as a piece of toast for breakfast and a baked potato for lunch. He also visits a therapist twice a week.
“I do look back and think I should have got to grips with myself earlier,” Mason told the New York Times. “But I think I can use what I’ve gone through as a tool to help other people.”

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