Thursday 28 February 2013

PSY Offended by Dennis Rodman North Korea Comment, Creates Twitter Gem

NBA Hall of Famer slash cross-dressing wild man Dennis Rodman is in North Korea filming a basketball documentary of some kind. That's crazy enough.
Leave it to The Worm to give us even more fodder, however.

Worm Tweet

Rodman, obviously, is not an international relations guru, and is among the unlikeliest of candidates to make the ever-rare American trip to North Korea.
Perhaps that will work to his advantage.
Sure, there will undoubtedly be a host of awkward cultural moments like this, but no one can accuse him of harboring hostile intentions toward the North.
Dude probably doesn't know who Kim Jong Il was. Or at least why the West reviled him. Though maybe we're not giving the Worm enough credit.

More Worm

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