Sunday 17 February 2013

Lady Gaga Visits Sick Fan After Canceled Tour

Lady Gaga had to reluctantly cancel her tour after suffering a hip injury, but she still managed to pay a visit to one fan that had scored a front-row seat.

The pop star met with a young girl suffering from a terminal heart condition who traveled from Wisconsin to Chicago to see her show.
Imagine 5-year-old Kayleigh Gurbynski's sadness when she learned the show was off ... or her joy when Gaga showed up in person shortly thereafter.

Local radio-show host Tony Waitekus, who reached out to Gaga’s camp, had reportedly orchestrated the meeting, which happened in Chicago.
Even if the show didn't go on, Gaga's get-together with Kayleigh did, a poignant moment that Waitekus chronicled on his radio station's Facebook page.
He wrote:
"Even though Lady Gaga was not well enough to do the show due to doctors order (suffering from joint pain), she made it a point of still meeting Kayleigh!"
"Fantastic for Kayleigh and hats off to [Gaga's people] for making this happen!"

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