Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Read These Tips By Comedian Ali Baba, If You Want To Make It In Showbiz?

Ace comedian and motivational speaker, Ali Baba writes on the importance of visibility in showbiz..Very enlightening ...Read below

Showbiz is a visibility game. Sometimes those in the background are those who support, create, manage and make the person who is in the limelight. It's this same visibility that helps to sustain the practitioners beyond the fees they earn. 

It's therefore correct for a player in Showbiz to ask what can be done to remain visible. Even if they are on radio! The walls of radio and backend studios have long been broken down. Thanks to social media. So what can you do to maintain visibility. 
1. Creativity that can't be ignored. Hold your creativity so high in standards that even when you are hibernating the spiral effect is a constant reminder.

 2. Use all social media platforms that push your career. Be in people's faces. Let them know you are still here kicking it.

3. Make sure you attend events you are invited to that have network opportunities.

4. Dress well. Many media houses are looking for content. Fashion sells and people want to know how you are looking today! Own red carpets! It's free publicity.

5. Don't miss an opportunity to be photographed with people that matter. Don't wait till someone creates the photo opps. Do it!
6. Do a wild thing every now and then. Then return to status quo. Then let the media milk it for all they can.

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