Sunday 26 July 2015

Touching Moment Police Officer Buys Food for Homeless Man and Joins Him

A police woman is being hailed a hero after she took time out of her day to sit and eat with a homeless man.

Sergeant Erica Hay bought the homeless man some food and a cup of coffee then went to sit on the kerb next to him.

What she didn’t know is that passerby TiAnna Greene was taking pictures of the interaction.

She told Today: ‘What really caught my attention was the fact she then pulled out food for herself and started to eat with him. She just seemed very, very comfortable.

‘I got my phone out and started snapping pictures because I was so overjoyed by the interaction.

Sergeant Hay works for the Ocala Police Department in Florida. She said: ‘We’re not a large community so I know most everybody, especially the homeless in the area, but I didn’t know him.

‘He was just there by himself alone, so I just grabbed food and went back to eat with him. Nobody wants to eat alone. I like eating with anybody.’

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