Sunday 10 May 2015

Chinese Billionaire Takes 6,400 Staff On Holiday And Creates World’s Longest Human Chain

A company boss has had an extraordinary bout of generosity following the 20th anniversary of his business.
Billionaire Li Jinyuan paid for 6,400 of his workers to go on holiday with him to France where they also took part in a world record attempt to create the longest ever human chain.
He flew them in 84 planes, hired 140 hotels in Paris, booked out 4,760 rooms in 79 top class hotels in Cannes and Monaco, and hired 147 buses to transport them.
Luxury department store Galeries Lafayette was closed to the public so that they could browse the aisles and queue in relative peace.
They also filled out the Palais Nikaia to watch a Moulin Rouge cabaret show.

They all work for Tiens, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary and partnership with the French region.

The Tiens directors have relaxed in the most luxurious hotel rooms. Less elevated employees have been treated to three- or four-star accommodation.
In the capital Paris, the group had the famous Louvre museum to themselves for a private visit on May 6 before heading south to Nice.
‘We have mobilised public services as well as tourism professionals, hotels, restaurants, shops and designer brands,’ said Mantel.
‘So far everything has gone smoothly, the feedback has been extremely positive.’
The whole adventure began back in December when Atout France got wind that the Tiens boss group Li Jinyuan wanted to celebrate in style the 20th birthday of his company which operates in tourism, trade and cosmetics among other sectors.

Mantel said French authorities worked hard to narrow down his destination short-list, which had originally also included London and Rome.
Along with the Chinese visitors, there were also Russians and Kenyans in the Tiens tour group.
While in Nice, the group entered the Guinness World Records book after forming the longest ever ‘human phrase,’ positioning themselves in groups that read ‘Tiens’ dream is Nice in the Cote d’Azur’ in letters visible from the air.
Tiens CEO Li Jinyuan even took part in a parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
Standing in an American jeep he smiled and saluted towards his massed co-workers in the crowd.
While the group have been getting the VIP treatment, the Tiens top dogs have gone one better with the VVIP treatment lavished on them.
On Wednesday they met up with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius.

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