Monday 6 April 2015

Eating Disorder Casues Little Girl To Eat Cement, Sponge And Carpet

A GIRL with a rare eating disorder is making herself ill by obsessively eating carpet underlay, sand and other indigestible items.

Jessica Knight suffers from an eating disorder called pica, which causes the sufferer to develop an appetite for non-food substances.
The four-year-old is literally eating her parents out of house and home due to the rare medical condition which makes her to crave household furnishings.
And the unusual habit leaves the little girl with stomach cramping and constipation – and she was once left screaming in agony.
Her doting mum Kelly first discovered something was wrong when Jessica she started eating a faux leather child's chair bought for her when she was two.

Jessica also began eating cement chips from pavements and sand from play areas as well as the filling from her little sister's rocking horse.

Worried Kelly, 36, warned Jessica that what she was doing could make her ill - but as a result the youngster became more secretive about her habit.
Kelly said: "We would rather she ate the carpet because it's non toxic. If we try and stop her we fear she will eat something worse with chemicals in it.
"Doctors said she likes it because she likes the texture. But it's always confused me because sponge, stones and sand all have completely different textures.
"If I ask her 'did you play in the sand pit today?' when she comes home from preschool she says 'yes but nobody saw me mummy'.
"She hides cement stones and sand in her pocket and eats it discreetly because she knows it's not normal."

Kelly also noticed the carpet in her daughter's bedroom was loose and found Jessica had eaten half of the sponge underlay.
Jessica had also eaten foam padding from an armchair which she had attacked from underneath.
Kelly, from Cambridgeshire, said: "I was really shocked when I realised just how much she was eating.
"If you lift up the carpet in her room now you can see there is no underlay left.
"We are at our wits' end. We try to keep her busy so she doesn't do it but if we try to stop her she will find a way to do it.
"To stop her I would have to remove everything from my house, including all chairs and sofas."

Kelly, who lives with her two girls and their engineer father Chris Knight, 40, said she has no idea what to do because she claims doctors refuse to help until Jessica is six.
She said: "Doctors always said it wasn't a problem and it's taken two years for them to finally listen to me.
"The GP sent Jessica to a paediatrician and we've been referred to two others since but she hasn't had any help.
"We've been told they can't help her until she is six and has reached the appropriate cognitive development."
Desperate Kelly now allows Jessica to keep a small purse filled with sponge from her carpet which she eats at certain times so help them control her intake.
People suffering from pica frequently crave and eat substances with no nutrition, such as dirt, paint, ice, sand, glue and chalk.
Picky Jessica also refuses to eat foods with any sauces and Kelly is limited to giving her plain sausages, cheese strings, rice pudding, bread, Weetabix and fish fingers without bread crumbs.

Kelly will find out in April if Jessica is also autistic - a condition related to pica - after doctors noticed she had an extremely high IQ.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation, a charity for people with severe learning disabilities and difficult behaviour, said: "It is estimated that four to 26 per cent of people with learning disabilities display pica behaviour.
"Whilst some objects pass through the body without harm, pica can potentially be life threatening.
"Risks include vomiting, blockages, choking and poisoning."
Pica can be associated with mineral deficiencies but is more often a learned behaviour, for example for social attention, getting a favourite activity, sensory feedback, or escaping a situation.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation believes that children need the right support early in childhood.
"Early intervention using methods such as Positive Behaviour Support can reduce the severity and frequency of challenging behaviour, such as pica," a spokesman added.
"Addressing these behaviours as soon as possible can prevent problems later in life, and can greatly improve the lives of children and their families."

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