Thursday 5 February 2015 Takes Transportation to a New Level ...Traveling Made Easy

Ogadriva is a City to City Car sharing Transport Network & Pickup System designed for drivers and passengers. Think of Ogadriva as a pickup to your destination.

How it Works
Africans took a huge burden for years to carry their load to the road side just to find a taxi that will take them to the car park in other to enter an intercity Car/Bus. So we wonder what will happen If we remove the taxi and build a new type of Infrastructure where the intercity Car/Bus driver pickup passenger directly to their destination.

Imagine an intercity Car/Bus becoming your wake up alarm and a pick up to your destination without stress.   

Imagine a hassle-free transit system that connects all African intercity transport together making it possible to travel around Africa on road.
Imagine travelling like a genius by seeing ahead of time which restaurant & hotel are on your way to stop by and get delicious meal to make your journey lovely and tummies full.

Imagine travelling with a Piece of Mind knowing that both drivers and passengers are verified, friendly and authenticated members.

Imagine knowing your driver history before entering their vehicle. This alone can save your life.

(e.g entering a vehicle without knowing the driver history may not cost you anything but if you don’t learn about the risk before putting your life in the drivers hand, it could cost you a bundle. Now imaging entering a Car/Bus as an educated passenger, this way you can not only make an informed and rational purchased but one that will make those who love you have a piece of mind when you travel.)

This new innovation will be launch in Nigeria in less than two week. Put together by a Nigerian based in Germany with strong and well structure and secured network. will come alive online 2nd week in February and will be available to everybody at a very cheap rate. Locations and contact will be disclosed then.

Free bus tickets will be given to few blog readers. Watch this space.

Follow Me On Twitter & Instagram@effiongeton

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