Tuesday 10 February 2015

Deputy Head Hanged Himself After Thousands Of Child Porn Images Found At His Home

A deputy head teacher hanged himself a day after being quizzed by police over 1,500 indecent images of pupils, an inquest heard.
Police believe Martin Goldberg, 46, had been secretly filming children at the private £10,000-a-year Thorpe Hall School in Wakering Road, Southend, Essex.
They also found naked pictures of children taken in changing rooms at Southend Leisure and the Tennis Centre at Garon Park, Southend, an inquest at Chelmsford Coroners Court heard.
Essex Police has apologised for delays in investigating Mr Goldberg, after tip-offs about his interest in child porn.
Colleagues at the school raised the alarm with police after he failed to arrive for work on September 10 2014.

Two members of staff were sent to check on him and called the emergency services.
Coroner’s officer Laura Howard told the inquest: ‘On September 9, he was spoken to as part of an investigation into alleged criminal offences of voyeurism.
‘On September 10 he was found in his detached single garage hanging.
‘He had not turned up for work, when a colleague got no answer he contacted the police.’

A post mortem confirmed the findings and police said there were no suspicious circumstances.
After considering the evidence, coroner McGann ruled a conclusion of taking his own life.
She said: ‘This is enough to tell me that he certainly may well have thought he had reason to die. I, therefore, am satisfied, so that I’m sure that he intended to die. Martin Goldberg took his own life.’

It was another 20 days before it was revealed he was under police investigation after officers found 1,500 indecent images of pupils at his home in Dalwood, Shoebury, Essex.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission is now investigating how staff at the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre handled intelligence about hundreds of suspected paedophiles in July 2012.
Thorpe Hall School has been cleared of any safety breaches.
Both the NSPCC and abuse charity Enough Abuse have said the school was not to blame for failing to suspect Goldberg of any wrongdoing.
Essex Police have apologised to parents for a nine-month delay in investigating him, because they did not check his occupation, and didn’t realise he was a teacher.

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