Tuesday 16 December 2014

Bill Cosby Wife Camille Cosby Speaks Out About Alleged Sexual Allegations, “Who Is The Victim?”

Spelman University in Atlanta announced that they would be severing their ties with Bill Cosby and soon afterwards, his wife and long-time business manager Camille O. Cosby has finally decided to speak out via a released statement. In her statement she cautioned those who have jumped on the ban wagon to destroy her husband’s name to essentially look at those who are accusing as well as she likened his situation to of the Virginia University raped allegations that has yet to be proven to be factual. 

While she didn’t directly single out any of his accusers in particular she was very clear that those media outlets providing them a platform to tell their “stories” should have vetted them better. Check out her official statement below: 

After reading her statement, we have to ask, what vetting was really done with his accusers? Do all these victims have a collaborated agenda to take down Mr. Cosby? And if so, why? 

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