Wednesday 10 September 2014

Ebola: Lagos Warns against Stigmatization, As Survivors Lose Job, Accomodation

Lagos State is warning against the stigmatisation of Ebola Survivors, stating that many of them are being evicted or fired after being given a clean bill of health.The Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris, said on Tuesday during a press briefing in Alausa, Ikeja, that .......
“The social problem being faced by discharged cases has been reported to the government.This ranges from stigmatisation, eviction from their accommodation, being asked to stay away from work and termination of employment.We have had cases of employers just terminating the employment of their workers who were just mere contacts, not even suspected cases.
We believe this is unfair and we feel this impedes on their fundamental human rights.
“Now, the Ministry of Justice will take the matter up. Anybody, whether a discharged patient or a contact followed up, who feels stigmatised, can petition the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General of Lagos State and the government will take that matter up on their behalf.”Stigmatisation will reverse the gains so far made in the containment and management of this outbreak. People who come down with Ebola may not come out and this may jeopardise not only their lives, but their family members and other people they come in contact with. That’s why it is essential that people should stop that.

The commissioner said the two cases of stigmatisation that had been reported by survivors had been referred to the Ministry of Justice.
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