Friday 17 January 2014


It is said that when one is sent on an errand and he fails to achieve the purpose of that errand for his people and community, then the community will begin the search for a replacement.
The above assertion is a statement of fact because when you fail to achieve the purpose for an errand, you will still fail to achieve the purpose even when you are sent on the same errand for the second time. !!!!. The question now is; who shall we send on this errand in question and he comes back with results that will be people oriented? It is an acknowledged fact that since the return of democracy in 1999, the people of NJABA, ISU, NWANGELE and NKWERRE Federal Constituency have never had it so good and rosy as far as sending a worthy and goal getter representative to the National Assembly is concerned.
Within the period under review,four persons have been sent to represent the constituency at the lower Chamber of the National Assembly. This piece is not meant to disparage or attack anyone, rather, our aim is to drive to the solution of having an effective, efficient, credible and goal getting leader who will bring back home the much needed dividends of democracy.
All these boils down to the question of leadership and its purpose. Leadership takes place when someone steps out in front of the crowd to show the way. As the person is moving or leading and the crowd is following him, then leadership is said to have been formed or taken place. For this leadership to be acknowledged, it has to be transparent. It has to be accountable to the people. Transparency in relation to Accountability in leadership is a situation where there can be no doubt, mistake or confusion about leadership. When a leader is genuinely accountable to the people, that is transparency. It therefore goes to show that the people of NJABA, ISU, NWANGELE and NKWERRE Federal Constituency have never had it so good since 1999, as far as effective representation is concerned. Who then shall we send? Who shall go for us? “Okeke” has failed us. “Okafor” has failed us. “Okorie” has failed us. “Okonkwo” is currently failing us. Where then do we get an “Altar of Hope” to change or correct this political anomaly in the Federal Constituency?
The search for this “Altar of Hope” which has already become a consensus search by the people of Njaba, Isu, Nwangele and Nkwerre Federal Constituency have finally berthed at the doorstep of an illustrious son of Nkwerre Local Government Area who has selflessly transformed lives within and around his community through his vast socio-economic and political network in the entire Imo state and beyond. The unveiling of Evangelist Michael Obinna Ikemsinachi Ikoku did not come easy. A profound research was carried out before the political search berthed or anchored at the doorstep of this Nkwerre born political General. The question now is; who is Myke Ikoku? Let me open the minds of the reading public. Evangelist Myke Ikoku, a native of Obinaocha village in Nkwerre Local government area of Imo State was born on the 15th of January 1968. He grew up and attended Amakohia Ubi Primary school and later proceeded to boys High School Nkwerre for his Secondary School where he passed out with flying colours in 1984. As a dynamic, self motivated, innovative, proactive and self disciplined man, he veered off into the world of business, first as an apprentice and later started his first company at the tender age of 21 which has today grown into a conglomerate of several companies. He later went back to school to seek for higher knowledge and this led him to the University of Lagos where he graduated in 2003. He is happily married and has beautiful children.
A variable has two sides, the converse and the obverse. It is the fusion of the sides that gives one the true impression or identity of that given variable. Conversely, human personality is also like a variable because the converse and obverse side of an individual are loaded with negative and positive attributes depending on who is doing the evaluation or depending where the evaluator belongs. From my political barometer, it is obvious that Evangelist Myke Ikoku has established himself as a political giant, a successful business man and above all a generous humanitarian and philanthropist per Excellence.
AS A POLITICAL GIANT > Evangelist Myke Ikoku as a political giant has dominated his political environment to the extent that he has supported and sponsored so many political aspirants and candidates in various political positions in his state and beyond. Therefore, he can be rightly described as a kingmaker. Conversely, this singular act and other variable political reasons and permutations have made Evangelist Myke Ikoku to have firm grip of Solid and sound political structures in Imo State.
AS A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN > The business ingenuity and initiatives of Evangelist Myke Ikoku is such that anything he has touched turned into gold. He started his business exploits very early in life at the tender age of 21. Today the little mustard seed he planted at that age did not only germinate and grow into an Iroko tree, it has developed into a conglomerate with the following companies that have provided direct employment to over 3000 Nigerians and non-Nigerians (that is foreigners), thereby contributing to the economic growth of the Nation.
These are verifiable businesses with known addresses and solid identification with the Nigerian masses. Therefore, it is very safe for me to conclude that this Nkwerre – Born business mogul has paid his dues as far as using his vast business interest to solve the perennial problems of unemployment that has eaten deep into the socio-economic space of our society.
With a massive financial war-chest, this miracle of ingenuity has handsomely assisted the downtrodden in our society to the extent that many young men and women can easily trace their successes in life to the assistance of Evangelist Myke Ikoku.
It is no longer news that Imo State is in need of leaders with Integrity, credibility and absolute transparency and who must be accountable to the people. Based on this obvious fact, the people of Njaba, Isu, Nwagele and Nkwerre Federal Constituency have therefore resolved to send Evangelist Myke Ikoku to the National Assembly (Lower Chamber) to represent them. The question now is; will Myke Ikoku accept the clarion call to serve his federal constituency? I ask this question because Evangelist Myke Ikoku has his political tentacles spread across the entire state. Therefore using Rationality Calculus (both Integral and differential), one can argue that it would be very difficult for a political giant of Myke Ikoku’s status to come down from his Olympian height to contest for Federal House of Representatives election. If he accepts the call and challenge, it simply means that he will be descending to selflessly serve his people in such a way that Almighty God will be glorified.
In Imo State, there are three major political parties namely PDP, APC and APGA. As would be expected, Evangelist Myke Ikoku has become a political bride who is so beautiful that the three political parties are scrambling to inherit his political goodwill and structures scatted across the state. The question is; which political platform will the humble Evangelist Myke Ikoku anchor his aspiration and finally use to prosecute this people’s desire of having a selfless, service-oriented leader at the National Assembly? Or will the three political parties adopt him as a consensus candidate? I ask this question because when a big masquerade steps out for a contest, other little masquerades scamper for safety? Conversely, if Party A adopts him as their candidate, other political parties are likely to follow suit because a good wine needs no bush.
As we leave Evangelist Myke Obinna Ikemsinachi Ikoku to make up his mind on whether to accept this clarion call or not, the people of Njaba, Isu, Nwangele and Nkwerre Federal Constituency will continue to put it to him that he is their best and only choice.
I rest my pen.
Citizen (Dr.) Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha
Socio-political Crusader/Facilitator
Plot 98 Ikenegbu Layout Extension
Owerri – Imo State, Nigeria
07032934037, 07045148195
Imo initiative is a subsidiary of SLAP Initiative, a Leadership initiative based in Imo state. SLAP stands for Safeguarding Leadership Accountability and Productivity.
Follow Me On Twitter & Instagram: @effiongeton

1 comment:

  1. kkkk

    See what these two beautiful Black girls are doing on camera

    Hidden Camera Expose a Gate Man and his ‘Oga Wife’ Doing Things

    Colombian Couple Caught Doing It In A Public Pool

    Prophet Caught With a Married Woman in the act.
