Tuesday 26 November 2013

GQ Magazine Names Least Influential Celebrities of 2013: Who's #1?

Dennis Rodman may think he influenced policy a great deal via his trip to North Korea earlier this year and his sit-down with Kim Jong Un.
But GQ begs to disagree. The magazine has named the former rebounding champion its LEAST Influential Celebrity of 2013.
According to editors at GQ Magazine, Rodman is a "Q-list celebrity willing to commit borderline treason just to hang out with a dictator who himself aspires to be a Q-list celebrity."
That pretty much sums him up, doesn't it? Who else made this undesirable list?

Paula Deen checks in at number-two due to her use of the N Word and general, seemingly racist attitude; while former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner grabbed spot number-three.
"He's the saddest lecher in American politics, and that's saying something, because they're all lechers," the magazine writes.
Among other very well-known names, Miley Cyrus is number-six for "basically trying every inane strategy she could think of to rile up America's few remaining pearl clutchers," while Barack Obama is number-17.
The reason? This President "nothing gets done," GQ says.
That's not true, however, many Obamacare website users would argue. He's really good at mishandling online insurance applications.
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