Monday 1 July 2013

[Horrific Video] Syrian Catholic Priest 'Beheaded by Jihadist Rebel Fighters In Syria

A Catholic priest, Franciscan Father Francois Murad has been killed in Syria, it has been confirmed by the official Vatican news agency. Francois Murad is said to have died after fighters linked to the jihadist group Jabhat al-Nusra attacked the monastery he was staying at, local sources say.

Catholic Online links to amateur footage purporting to show the 49-year-old's horrific death and reports: "The Vatican is confirming the death by beheading of Franciscan Father, Francois Murad, who was martyred by Syrian jihadists on June 23."

It shows a man the channel understands is the priest, sitting cross-legged with his hands bound, alongside two other men while fighters surround them chanting “Allah Akbar” (God is great). Video after the cut... ...but we warned, it's extremely graphic:
The site claims Father Murad had been accused of collaborating with the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, though the accusations are unconfirmed.
The official report into Father Murad's death – submitted via the Fides news agency - states he died in Gassanieh, northern Syria. It claims the circumstances of his death “are not fully clear”, but confirms militants had attacked the monastery where he was living.

Fides states Father Murad had began the construction of a coenobitic monastery in Gassanieh, shortly after being ordained. At the start of the civil war, the structure was bombed and he moved to the convent of the Custody of the Holy Land for safety.


  1. This isn't new, we've seen the worst of Jihadist groups. What more can they produce anywhere?

  2. This is horrible!!! Children are there too. What a violent religion. Smh...
