Sunday 5 May 2013

Paul Templer was Swallowed by a Hippo! Miraculous Survives

As Paul Templer set off to lead a group on a kayaking trip down the Zambezi River, it seemed like just another day's work. Then 27, Mr Templer was the owner of a river tour business and had been taking people on trips along the stretch of the Zambezi near Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe for many years.
But just a few hours later his life would be turned not only upside down, but upside down and head first up to his waist in a hippopotamus's throat.

Hippos are often portrayed as docile, friendly creatures who enjoy little more than a good wallow in the mud. But this is far from the truth.

Hippos kill around 300 people a year, making them the third biggest killer of humans after mosquitoes and box jellyfish, despite only living in certain parts of Africa. Their gaping mouths span four feet and are lined with fearsome tusks. On land they can reach speeds of 30 mph, but they are most dangerous in the water, where the male bull hippos can become territorial.
Mr Templer, who grew up in what was then Rhodesia before joining the British Army, was well aware of the danger the creatures pose and knew to give them a wide berth.

On the day of the attack he was accompanied by three apprentice guides – Mike, Ben and Evans.
They were all in separate kayaks and approaching the end of the tour when they came across a pod of around a dozen hippos wallowing quietly in the shallows.

Mr Templer steered the group away from the danger before pausing a moment for Evans, who had been lagging slightly behind, to catch up.
He recalls: 'I turned just in time to see Evans flying through the air before he splashed into the river.'
Mr Templer immediately went back to help Evans who reached out his hand but just as he was about to grab hold all hell broke lose.
'My world went dark and strangely quiet, a few very long seconds ticked by as I tried to figure out what was going on.
'From my waist up I was not dry but I wasn't wet either not like my legs were I was head first down my waist down a hippo's throat. I pushed and I pulled and I wiggled about all to no avail.
'Then the monster loosened its grip long enough for me to escape. Bursting to the surface I came face to face with Evans.
'I remember looking up and I could see the different hues of green and tyellow I watched my blood mingle with the water. I wondered what would happen first, if I'd bleed to death or if I'd drown.'
Luckily for Mr Templer, one of the the other apprentice guide, Mike, risked his own life to paddle back and help.
Mr Templer was able to grab hold of his Kayak and was hauled to the shore. But he was far from out of danger.
'I made the mistake of taking a look at myself', he continues. 'My one arm from the elbow up had been crushed to a pulp and from the elbow down had been stripped of its flesh.
'Then a strange thing happened; I went incredibly calm and all the pain went away and I knew that it was my moment of choice. I knew right there and then I could shut my eyes I could drift off, I could call it a day or I could fight my way through this and I could stick around.

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