Monday 11 March 2013

Omoni Oboli: My Mom Taught Me About Being A Great Mother

Nollywood actress, Omoni Oboli has eulogised her late mother, Elizabeth Agunu. 

Omoni, who is a mother of three kids, as part of the celebration of Mothers' Day yesterday, extolled the virtues her late mother imbibed in her before she died. 

The brand ambassador went on twitter to praise her late mum for making her a humble and great mother. 

My mother taught me humility. She's the reason I know that pride goes before a fall! '

Omoni tweeted, 

My mother taught me everything I know about being a great mom! All I do is follow her example "

According to the talented actress, she tweeted that, 

My mother taught me how to smile through pain and always have a positive attitude "

Omoni Oboli is one the respected Nollywood actresses in the industry. Her acting skill has not been doubted by critics.

See the rest of her Tweets below:

To the most humble, most loving, sweet, unassuming woman I have ever known! I celebrate you even as heaven does!

My mother sat up all night anytime my sister or I were ill checking to make sure we were fine! How I miss her! 

My mother taught me how to give even in the midst of lack! Givers never lack! 

My mother didn't have stacks of jewelry and clothes but we were always well dressed! I can do anything for my boys!

My mother taught me how 2 bake cakes n pastries. My family's thankful and believe me I can make a living off that!

My mother taught me to be hard working, not to sit and blame the world why I couldn't make it in life 

My mother taught me to cook, clean and prepare myself physically, spiritually and financially for my future family

My mother taught me to turn the other cheek. (It was always so hard but I learnt it) she did it effortlessly! 

My mother taught me about Jesus. Reason my life is tied to Him

My mother taught me how to smile through pain and always have a positive attitude 

My mother taught me humility. She's the reason I know that pride goes before a fall! 

My mother taught me everything I know about being a great mom! All I do is follow her example 

Today will not be complete until I celebrate my late mom! I miss u so much even though I know u r in a better place

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