Thursday 7 February 2013

KIM KARDASHIAN TO Judge - Help Me Create a New, Full Life, Because Kris Humphries is Threatening My Baby!

This time its officially on between Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. 
Not long after Humphries' lawyer questioned why Kim's pregnancy should play any role in her divorce case against his client, Kardashian has gone on the offensive against the Nets power forward.
In a declaration filed, Kim says that Humphries isn't simply irritating her by dragging his legal feet… he's putting the "health and well-being of my unborn child" at risk.

This assertion follows the claim that Kardashian has been experiencing severe pregnancy pains as a result of divorce-related stress.
Kim says she simply wants to move on and that an official split "will help create a new, full life for me," once again using her fetus as a figurative weapon against her ex-lover.

Kim notes Kanye is eager to sign a Voluntary Declaration of Paternity when their child is born, but he won't be able to if she's still married to Kris.

And Kim is citing some stories claiming Kris is saying he now has "all the power" and that "he is in control of my misery."

Overall, Kardashian argues, Humphries "is in control of my misery" and she wants this mess to be over.

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