Thursday 24 January 2013

Lance Armstrong: Sued For Selling "Fiction" as Memoir.

When it rains, it pours: two California book buyers are apparently suing Lance Armstrong over claims that he peddled "fiction" as an autobiography.
Rob Stutzman, a former communications adviser for Arnold Schwarzenegger, filed a complaint January 22 in federal court in Sacramento, Calif. 
He says he wouldn't have bought “It’s Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life” had he known the truth about Armstrong’s involvement with doping.

In the 2000 book and the 2003 follow-up, “Every Second Counts,” Armstrong denied ever having used banned substances, which he clearly had done.
Instead, he chalked up his Tour de France titles to “superior physical training, proper diet, extraordinary spirit and drive to succeed,” Stutzman said.
Armstrong, whose testicular cancer survival helped create the largest athlete-founded charity in the U.S., was banned from Olympic-level sports for life in 2012.
The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) published a report that said it he engaged in the administration and trafficking of testosterone, erythropoietin and blood transfusions.
“Both books have now been exposed as frauds,” the plaintiffs said.
“Armstrong now admits that without his use of banned performance enhancing drugs beginning in the mid-1990’s, he would not have won and continued to win cycling races."
They accuse Armstrong of marketing the books as “true and honest” works of nonfiction and allege they violated California laws against unfair competition and false advertising."

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