Thursday 31 January 2013

Justin Bieber: Responds to BOOBS GATE, Grateful to Fans

Justin Bieber really wants to let his singing do the talking.
But in the face of Boob Gate, in which the singer has been accused of fondling a fan after a photo of the pair surfaced online, Bieber has released a brief statement on Twitter.

"alot of bs has been out there lately...seems like it never stops," Justin Tweeted. 
"Answering for myself thru music. to everyone around the world. Thanks for believing. I AM GRATEFUL."

Among other Bieber controversies of late:
A story claims he cheated on Selena Gomez in late December.
A woman says he was really rude to her at the gym.
Another woman is angry because he fired a Nerf gun near her backstage at a concert in Canada.
They say it can be lonely at the top. But who knew it could be so loony?!?

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