Tuesday 22 January 2013

British Grandmother, 56: Sentenced to death - For Cocaine smuggling in Indonesia.

British mum Lindsay Sandiford has been sentenced to death in Indonesia for drug trafficking.
The woman, originally from Redcar in Teesside, was arrested in May after police in Bali said they found 10.6lb of cocaine in the lining of her suitcase.

A spokeswoman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said: "We can confirm that a British national is facing the death penalty in Indonesia.
"We remain in close contact with that national and continue to provide consular assistance.
"The UK remains strongly opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances."
Sandiford, 56, was sentenced after being found guilty of violating the country's strict drug laws by the Denpasar District Court today.
In the court's verdict, a judge panel headed by Amser Simanjuntak, concluded that Sandiford has damaged the image of Bali as a tourism destination and weakened the government's programme of drug annihilation.

The cocaine she smuggled was worth around 2.5 million US dollars, the Associated Press reported.
Prosecutors had said during the trial last month that they were seeking a 15-year prison term, and not persuing the maximum penalty for drug trafficking that is death.
Sandiford previously told the court she became involved only because "the lives of my children were in danger".
In her witness statement, she said: "I would like to begin by apologising to the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian people for my involvement.
"I would never have become involved in something like this but the lives of my children were in danger and I felt I had to protect them."
During the trial Sandiford's lawyer read out a statement from her son, which said: "I love my mother very much and have a very close relationship with her.
"I know that she would do anything to protect me. I cannot imagine what I would do if she was sentenced to death in relation to these charges."
Three other Britons were arrested at the same time as Sandiford in a sting operation.
Julian Ponder and Rachel Dougall were accused of being involved in the same smuggling operation. Paul Beales was also detained.
At the time of her arrest, Dougall, who has a young daughter, insisted she was the victim of a "fit-up" and Ponder claimed he was "trapped".

Ponder's lawyer claimed he was told that Sandiford was delivering a present for his child's birthday and, when he met her to receive the gift, police officers arrested him.
A verdict is expected in the trial of Ponder tomorrow.
He is accused of receiving the drugs in Bali, which has a busy bar and nightclub scene where party drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy are bought and sold between foreigners.
Indonesia has an estimated 114 prisoners on death row.
Most of the more than 40 foreigners among them have been convicted of drug crimes, according to a March 2012 report by Australia's Lowy Institute for International Policy.
Five foreigners have been executed since 1998, all for drug crimes, according to the institute.
There have been no executions in the country since 2008, when 10 people were put to death.
Sandiford's MP said he would seek to raise her sentence with Foreign Secretary William Hague during Foreign Office Questions in the House of Commons this morning.
Martin Horwood, Lib Dem MP for Cheltenham, in Gloucestershire, where she previously lived, said the sentence came as a shock to a lot of people, as Indonesian prosecutors had not sought it.
"The days of the death penalty ought to be past. This is not the way that a country that now values democracy and human rights should really be behaving," he told BBC News.
"I imagine all those who know Lindsay will be extremely worried and concerned about this development.
"When the prosecutors asked for something less than the death sentence, for a custodial sentence, then I guess I'm afraid some of us perhaps relaxed a little and this has come as a real shock that the judges have actually delivered a sentence which is obviously much, much harsher than the one that was actually requested by prosecutors."

He added: "I will be seeking to raise it (with William Hague) and to ask for him to reiterate Britain's long-standing opposition to the death penalty and to really say that Indonesia's progress towards democracy and human rights is one that we celebrate but this is completely out of step with that process."

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