Tuesday 29 January 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger Sex Photo: Found in Storage!

Looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger has been thrust back into the spotlight.
According to the New York Post, an old photo of a "young Arnold" performing a sex act has come to light, having been discovered in a storage space.
One owned by late Penthouse founder Bob Guccione. Obviously.
The Arnold Schwarzenegger sex photo was reportedly discovered by a guy who bought a bunch of lockers after Guccione went bankrupt ... Storage Wars style.

It's unclear if the new owner plans to release the Arnold picture, or what sex act he's in the process of performing, but it's unlikely he's thrilled with this.
Guy's still trying to reconcile with Maria Shriver, after all.
Also reportedly in the storage units? Guccione's files detailing the controversy over then-Miss America Vanessa Williams and his plans to publish nude pics of her.
And an unpublished Madonna nude pic, too. Nice?

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