Thursday 21 February 2013

PlayStation 4: Coming in?!?

Sony is preparing to take the video game by storm.
At a press conference in New York City, the company is expected to announce that PlayStation 4 will hit stores in November, with rumors circulating that different versions will retail for $429 and $529, respectively.
Over the last week, Sony has posted YouTube videos as a sort of retrospective to this gaming system, chronicling the PlayStation launch in 1995.

With #PlaystationMemory tending globally on Twitter this morning and #PlayStationMemories just a few hours later, it's clear the marketing campaign is working.
But will the actual product satisfy consumers?
Early reports indicate that PlayStation 4 will run on an AMD processor, as opposed to the Cell chip in its previous edition.
Moreover, the device may support the ability to stream PlayStation 3 games over the Web, while the controller will come with a touchpad to enhance one's experience.

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