Friday 15 February 2013

Chris Brown and Drake: are Suing Each Other Over Nightclub Brawl!

Chris Brown and Drake are at it again, in yet another brawl ... this time legally.
They're suing each other over their nightclub fight last year, when the music stars and their posses got into an all-out MELEE at W.i.P. nightclub in New York.
How does that work, exactly? No one knows exactly what happened in the Chris Brown-Drake fight, but they each claim they were not to blame for it and say they should not pay for the damages.
In response, both Drake and Chris Brown have filed legal documents basically denying blame for what happened and pointing the guilty finger at the other.

mean while, a French model named Romain Julien is filing suit against Brown, Drake and the club for injuries he says he sustained.
This is the first time they've gone after each other in court, asking the judge to formally pin blame on the other guy.
Interestingly, NBA star Tony Parker is also suing W.i.P. for the eye injury he sustained in the fight, claiming the club was negligent by letting that thug (Chris Brown) inside.
Parker says Brown's history of violence with Rihanna, Frank Ocean and a Good Morning America window prove W.i.P. should have known better.

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