Thursday 31 October 2013

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her Boyfriend & I - Reloaded) - Part 7

4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend captures the lives of four friends, who met while on service in Lagos. Who are in search of unlimited pleasure, fun and adventure, while looking for true love?

With lines like... Fire spread through me, I was so hot I could not breath. I sat down on the floor. I raised up my skirt and took off my panties. I loosed the buttons of my shirt and brought out my breast out of my bra without unhooking the catch behind. My breast loomed above the bra cups. My large nipples were hard. I parted my legs and touched my vagina. I was oozing fluid. Could I be blamed? I carried out all this action without taking my eyes off them. Emeka's d**k was standing at attention.

Drop your comments and Follow: @effiongeton and @sexitee03 for Updates on Love, Lust and Money. Now, enjoy!!

After going through my night ritual of bathing and brushing, I got into bed. I tossed and turned about the bed, but sleep was not forthcoming. It has been a bad habit from childhood; I can not sleep well when I sleep outside my home. I wished for a novel to read, there was none. I decided to watch TV, because it can actually put me to sleep. I got lost twice before I finally found the living room. I put on the TV and the DSTV decoder. I tuned the channel to MNET and reduced the volume to the very minimum so I would not disturb everyone sleeping. I did not know when I dozed off but I heard an unfamiliar voice call my name from far away. He was kneeling on the floor beside the couch I slept on. His left hand was on my hair, patting my hair. I opened my eyes, it was Godwin. 

'Hi.' He said with a pleasant smile.

'Hi.' I replied standing up from where I laid. 

I stretched my tired bones; my neck was stiffed from cramping my head in the tiny space of the couch. I looked at the wall clock, the was four thirty A.M. I have not slept for more than fifteen minutes. The movie I was watching was still running. I sat down and drew nearer to the edge of the chair. Godwin stood up from where stooped to sit down beside me on the three sitter. He sat at the other edge of the sofa, keeping his distance. I liked that. We watched the movie for a while. I started to doze off again.

'Joke? Joke!' He softly but firmly called my name. 

'Hmmm, I wasn't sleeping.' I said and he laughed. Well, I was dozing not sleeping.

'Why don't you go off to bed?' He suggested.

'The problem is I can't sleep in a strange house or bed, if I do, I must be very tired or drunk. I'll have to spend three days here before I can sleep soundly. But the TV can help me rest sha. So why are you up too?' I asked shifting the topic to him. He smiled before answering.

'Well, I'm much like you. I don't sleep soundly in a strange bed unless I've enough alcohol in my system, which I don't have right now. Thanks to you for chasing us out of the club.' He said jokingly. We both laughed. I sat upright facing him, my back to the sofa handle. I stretched my feet in front of me, it stopped at his thighs. He was staring at me.

'Hellooo? You are staring at me. What are you staring at, what are you thinking?' I asked. I know they must have discussed me many times and I wanted to know what he has heard about me.

'If I tell you what I'm staring at or thinking right now, you may break my head! I would rather keep quiet and keep staring.' He said and I became heated down bellow. He was surely thinking about me nak3d in his hands and it was not really a bad idea. I have had time to check him out at the club. He was good looking, fresh flesh, muscled arms, broad chest and long fingers. I like men with long fingers. We were looking at each other, each with his or her own unholy thoughts. 

'Ok, I don't want to go to jail for manslaughter, so don't tell me, but at least tell me what you've heard about me. I'll like to know. The truth ooo.' I asked hoping he would tell me somethings.

'Hhhmm, alright, only if you promise to tell me what you have also heard about me.' He bargained. Well, I have not really heard much about him, so it was safe to bargain with him.

'Ok, deal.' I said flashing him a sexy smile. He shook his head and smiled back.

'Well, I heard you are beautiful and sexy. Gentle and reserved. I heard you like to swim and cook. I also heard you just broke up with boyfriend.' 

His last sentence brought sharp pains and anger to my heart. Pain for my lost boyfriend, it has been over seven weeks that it happened and I do not know why it still hurt anytime I was being reminded of him. Anger for my broadcaster friend who could not keep shut. Should she have told Emeka or even Godwin for that matter that I broke up with my boyfriend? Did she tell them I slept with her boyfriend too, I was pissed. I hid my anger and disappointment behind a smile and continued talking with Godwin.

'I see you've indeed heard a lot. Do you also know why I broke up with my boyfriend?' I asked keeping my face smiling, there was no sign of my inward battle of anger. 

'Well, yes.' He said and my heart raced then sank. How could she have done this to me? I thought I could trust her. I felt like covering my face with my hands. His next sentence made me want to run and empty my bowel in the toilet. He said,

'I don't want you to feel like your friend gave you away or betrayed you. I wanted to know more about you. I begged Emeka to ask her. She told Emeka and Emeka told me. Please know that I don't blame you for the decision you took.' My skin heated from shame and anger. I felt like crying. She had betrayed me. How could she have done this to me? So much for friendship. My head was tilted forward and my jaw was touching my chest, in tiny voice I asked,

'So what exactly have you heard? I may want to add to or remove from it.'

'Well, she said you sent the guy packing because he was cheating on you and...' My heard shot up as I heard this, I listened as he continued.

'...and you caught with another girl after he had proposed to you. When you tried to make him see he was hurting you, he slapped you and you gave him his ring back even though you loved him very much. That's the gist I heard.' 

He narrated with sad eyes. I could not help it, I had to laugh. I laughed so hard that I fell off the chair onto the floor. I clenched my stomach as I laughed. Tola can not kill me, I swear. To think I thought she had betrayed me, see how she changed the characters. Godwin was staring and smiling, his expression; confused. I tried to comport myself and stop laughing, it was not easy but I stopped enough to ask him.

'Was that what you heard seriously?' I asked still grinning widely. He still looked confused when he answered me.

'Yes,' he said uncertain of his response.

'Why are you laughing now, have I said something funny?' He asked still confused. I wanted to tell him the truth but I remember my friend's lecture that you should not tell any guy the truth about your past. They are too narrow minded, they will still use it against you in the nearest future, though some guys are open minded but most of them are very narrow minded. He was still looking at me expecting me to give him an explanation. I had to lie.

'Sorry my dear, it's just funny that she told you guys everything and more. And the way you said it was funny too.' 

I was not laughing anymore but was still grinning. I could see in his eyes that he was still confused. I know my excuse was lame and that he did not believe me, but he was gentlemanly enough not to pursue the topic. He joined me on the floor and sat beside me, real close to me. Our arms were touching and if I move backward a bit, his arm would be brushing my br3ast and not my arm. Alarming, I did not mind! It was just that my flesh was just ready for a man's touch after two months of no contact. The movie I was supposed to be watching came to an end Godwin asked for permission to change the channel to TRACE, I gave it. TRACE was dishing out cool alternative music, and I loved it, I never really understood "Hiphop". 

'I'm a kind of old school guy, I like my music soft. What kind of music do you like?' It seemed this guy and I have the same taste in music. More things in common.

'Well, same here, I like my music soft, sensual and meaningful. R n B things, and alternative music.' I replied.

'That's nice,' as he said this 'Nine million bicycles in Beijing' by Katie Melua popped up as the next music to be played, I said,

'The music coming up is one of my best song. The lyrics touched my heart the first time I listened to it and I've loved it since then.' I said with a faraway look. Just then, the music came up and he drew me up and said, 

'Dance with me baby...' Now, to dance to soft or alternative music is not easy. I moved into his arms, my two hands on his two shoulders, my br3ast touching his body lightly. His arms encircled my waist. Our gaze locked as the music started, we stared into each other eyes, heart and soul as we swayed to the rhythm and let the lyrics carry us above the earth. You know that place, that oblivion where only soul music could take you to. 

"There are nine million bicycles in Beijing, that's a fact, it's a thing that we can't deny, like the fact I will love you till I die. We are twelve billion light years from the end, that's a guess, no one can ever say if it's true, but I know that I will always be with you. I am warm by the fire of your love everyday, so don't call me a lair, just believe everything that I say. There are six billion people in the world, more or less, and it makes me feel quite small, that you are the one I love most of all..." 

We swayed to Katie Melua sensational voice. The words touched my heart, it made me wanna fall in love. Godwin kept staring at me as if he could see into my very heart. I could not take it again, I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my my hands around him pressing my bosom against him. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply his scent. He smelled neat. He drew me closer into his arms and rested his head on my head. His hands caressed my back as we swayed to music after music, soon it was not the music that we danced to anymore, it was our own rhythm that we danced to. The sound being our breaths, the rhythm our heartbeats. His breath tickled my ear and neck, I cuddled closer to him. I shifted my head farther to his shoulder so that my neck could be more exposed. He kissed me lightly on my neck. My breath caught in my throat. That was all the permission he needed. He worshipped my neck, kissed it and sucked it. I was on fire. I turned the other side of my neck so he could worship it too. He did lavishly. I was grateful for his strong arms around me, I would have fell because my legs had tuned to jelly. He cupped my face in his hands and searched my eyes before he rested his lips on mine. The kiss was incendiary, deliberately so. I felt myself go up in flames. Heat poured through my veins, rushed beneath my skin, pooled in my loins, then ignited me. I could feel the fire burn in him too. He was the same, as unprotected as I was as we plunged into the fire of our mutual need. 

Our lips merged, mouths melded, tongues tangled, I clung to him, he wrapped himself around me. Mutually in our thoughts we agreed it was time to sit down, without disentangling from our kiss, he backed away to the sofa, he sat down and took me with me. I sat on his laps, with each thigh around him still engrossed in our kiss. I wrapped my hands around his head, stroking from head to back, arms and chest. With great effort I broke the kiss to kiss around his face and ear. He took the opportunity to kiss my neck again, which he seemed to like very much. His mouth traced my collar bone, sending shivers through my bone. He moved back to my waiting mouth. Never in my life had I been contented with a kiss. This kiss was comforting, it was not of love or sex, it was of two people who needed each other. Two people who were drawing strength and pleasure from each other. Also, I have never seen a more disciplined kisser. He did not let his hands venture to my br3ast or buttocks, it was just my head, neck, arms and back, the farthest he went was my collar bone. I could not say how long the kiss went for but I was for a while. I could not say who broke the kiss, but we stopped kissing. Still sitting on his laps, and trying desperately to avoid his bulged manhood that was pushing against my stomach. I rested my head on his chest, breathing heavily. He wrapped his arms around me, sighing deeply into my hair. I touched my lips, it was swollen. I did not mind. He tried to say something but his voice had hanged, he cleared his voice and tried again.

'I've wanted to kiss you since you walked out of your apartment last night. Gosh, you have the most beautiful neck I've ever seen. With your hair in a pony tail, it showed all the fine lines of your wonderful neck.' I giggled against his chest. Never had I heard that the neck was a turn on for some men. He was describing my neck like a pot of gold. 

'What's funny now? Why you dey laugh na?' He queried. I arose from his chest to take a look at him.

'Na you dey make me laugh now. As I carry back and front reach so, na my neck you see abi?' I said in mock anger. He bent forward to drop a kiss on my lips.

'No be my fault, different strokes for different folks, and I like your back and front very much too! Do you know how hard I had to restrain myself from trespassing?' He asked with a raised eyebrow. 

This man was funny, easy to talk with and a delight to kiss. Not a bad combination at all. As if we planed it, we yawned at the same time. The club and alcohol was beginning to tell on our body. I checked the wall clock, the time was past five. My body ached, my legs was trembling from the sitting position I was. I was well worn and I was sure I would sleep now no matter how strange the bed was, but the truth was, I did not want to sleep alone. I wanted another warm body beside me. He cleared his throat bringing me back to the present and away from my thoughts.

'I should go and sleep now. I'm very tired...' I said somehow hoping he would invite himself to my bed.

'Since I've had a doze of your mouth and neck, I think I would sleep too. Thanks for the kiss, you made my night.' He said and we both stood up at the same time. Would he not invite me to his bed? If he would not, then I have to do something. I thought about faking a scare like saying I could not sleep alone. I thought about faking a nightmare to get him into my bed, they all seemed childish. I have to do something, that I was sure of. 

'I would be across the room if you need me, see you lerra today.' He said drawing me into a hug. He hugged me, kissed my cheeks and neck and turned back to walk away. I watched him walk to his door, waiting for the right moment to strike. When he touched the knob to open the door, I called,

'Godwin. Wait.' He halted. 

[To be continued] 

Send your comments and Suggestion.

Written By Olatorera - @sexitee03

Edit by Effiong Eton - @effiongeton

Love, Lust and Money: The Heat is sure ON… It’s getting hotter and hotter…. Can only get better and more exciting…. Fill in the gaps with a little imagination of your own. 

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her Boyfriend & I - Reloaded) - Part 6

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her Boyfriend & I - Reloaded) - Part 5

Love, Lust & Money: (My Friend, Her boyfriend & I - Reloaded) - Part 4

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 3 (Reloaded)

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 2 (Reloaded)

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 1 (Reloaded)

Love, Lust & Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys,1 Weekend – Part 13

Love, Lust & Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys,1 Weekend – Part 12

Love,Lust & Money:4 Girls,4 Guys,1 Weekend – Part 10 

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend - Part 9

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 8

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 7

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 6.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 5.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend. – Part 4.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 3. 

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 2.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend - Part 1

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her Boyfriend and I.) – Part 4.

Love, Lust and money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 3.

Love, Lust and money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 2.

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 1.

Follow @effiongeton and @sexitee03 for tips and updates on the series.

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