Thursday 31 January 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger Naked Photo Worth How Much?

A photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger getting down and dirty is worth a healthy amount, according to a really popular source that deals in such things.
The Arnold Schwarzenegger sex photo, which was discovered in a storage locker earlier this week, could fetch $150,000 minimum, YouPorn believes.
In fact, they'd pay that for it right now, sight unseen!

As celebrity news site TMZ first reported, entrepreneur Jeremy Frommer purchased storage lockers owned by deceased Penthouse founder Bob Guccione.
In them, he found a virtual treasure trove of celebrity erotica, including unpublished nude photos of Madonna, Lauren Hutton, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
YouPorn is interested, offering $150,000 up front.
No one has seen it, but the nude Arnold pic supposedly shows him in the act. YouPorn writes, "Let's face it. The real value here is in Schwarzenegger's 'Schwanz.'"
It's unclear if Frommer plans to take the deal.
It's also unclear if the photo will fetch more than the total gross box office receipts of The Last Stand. Suffice it to say, he's a tad rusty as an actor these days.

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